Cold, Unsolved & Unusual Case Specialists

New Chapter – Cold, Unsolved & Unusual Case Research & Review Specialists

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+44 (0)7546 899842  or +44 (0)7912 807087

Our Policy is simple: “NO case is cold or inactive until it has reached a satisfactory conclusion”

New Chapter specialise in cases that may have been left behind, put on a back burner or simply forgotten by the authorities. There are so many families out there that are desperate for answers and closure on a missing member of their fold and we are here to try to help with those cases. If you are involved in a case such as this, we are here to help.

Whether it is a missing person enquiry, an unsolved criminal case or an appeal for justice then New Chapter are keen to get involved. Our fees are very reasonable and we will always look over the matter before we enter into a contract, there are no hidden loopholes, the service you request we will will do our level best to provide.

Missing Persons:

We know all too well that having a family member that is missing is a very traumatic time for those left behind, not knowing the truth / getting closure is often very difficult, yet so often we meet cases where the authorities have just stood the case down for reasons often best known only to themselves. Families try hard to get access to files & important documents with little or no success, whereas we at New Chapter will use legal powers to access such material.

Case Reviews:

The New Chapter team will review all documents in a case from statements, letters, files, etc as well as seeking out old witnesses as well as seeking out new evidence until we get to the bottom of an enquiry, we NEVER give up without acheiving a result. Whether the matter is a serious criminal case such as murder, manslaughter, sexual crimes, etc or it be a missing person that has been gone too long we will undertake a full review and advise our clients at regular stages of the enquiry.

Case Appeals:

Cases that have been rejected by the courts, authorities, etc are often well worth reviewing again. Appeals often need a fresh set of eyes or that one piece of evidence that has been overlooked or not been discovered, maybe a simple piece of forensic evidence or a simple statement that can completely change the outcome of an enquiry.

Miscarriages of Justice:

This part of our work is often presumed to be a wrongful conviction or an over zealous judge that has issued an excessive sentence for a crime. Whilst that is true there are many other cases where justice has not been done including failed trials before the courts, crimes that have been overlooked and let’s not forget matters that the authorities have chosen to ignore and not act upon, New Chapter will happily investigate.

Unusual / Difficult Cases:

Many enquiries come to us that have been turned down by others or ignored by the authorities for many different reasons, often that the matter is complex and needs a great deal of work to unravel and reveal the facts. There is not a case we will refuse without a very good reason, the more complex the better in or office.

Don’t be shy get in touch today, we are always happy to hear from you.

E-mail us, call us, follow us on Facebook & Twitter



Remember: We have offices in London UK and Paignton UK but operate our services Locally, Nationally and Internationally

Daniel Entwistle Search – Information Request

Reviewing The Case of Daniel Entwistle


We are now making good progress with our enquiries but need lots of information and to have the evidence that we have already gathered corroborated, we have established a Facebook Group to gather family and friends under one umbrella to discuss and prompt memories, feel free to join us if you can:

We have many questions, here are just a few:

  • Does anyone have background information or knowledge on Mr Joe Zugor? He was 67 years old at the time of Daniel’s disappearance in 2003. He gave a statement that Daniel often played by the wall of The River Yare and claimed that he had seen him the day of the disappearance around lunch-time. Mr. Zugor would be 78 years old if he’s still alive, does anyone know of him, maybe he’s in a retirement home where you work.

Colour Digital

  • We have been given information that says Daniel’s father (David) was a drinker and in fact still is, we have been given one or two locations where David drank at the time of the disappearance, does anyone have further evidence in that?? We only want to know in order that we can speak to regulars and staff to build a more complete background picture of the man. Maybe he frequents a public house or a club where you work or drink??
  • At the time of Daniel’s disappearance David Entwistle was a railway worker, apparently working on the tracks, embankments, etc did you or someone you know work with him?? What sort of work did he do?? Why did he stop working there??
  • Several play mates / school friends of Daniel’s were questioned at the time of the incident but we feel that there could well have been fears and nerves as children that those people may now no longer fear. Those children will, just like Daniel be adults (18 – 20 years old approximately). Were you one of those children or parents / grandparents to them?? Maybe you or someone you know was a teacher at that time MAY 2003??
  • Daniel and his family came from Padiham in the Burnley area of Lancashire. We would like to build a better picture of the family and friends there, are you one of those people or do you know someone that is??

This is not a concise list of questions, in fact just a few of many so if you have any shred of information please get in touch, we’d really appreciate your help. We are working closely with a specialist production team “Paradox Media & Film Production” with a view to making a documentary about the forgotten cases of missing children and it will feature Daniel’s case in a big way, so once again they also need your input, whether it be information or playing a part in a reconstruction of Daniel’s last hours and the family in the aftermath, or even assisting with production, remember the production will be funded from charity assistance.

Your help & support will be very much appreciated, we want to bring Daniel’s family the peace they have craved for the past 11 years plus. We also want to bring not only Daniel’s case but many other missing children’s cases back to the public’s attention.

Please leave a comment below or follow our pages, fire us off an email:

Have a blessed day one and all

Andrearles & Amanda Manashay (New Chapter Consultants)