Let’s start with some points that have come to light in recent times.  .  .


Firstly there are several links that have been coming in with regards to psychiatric experiments on children in foster care both in the UK and abroad that has lead our team to a whole new line of research and has caused us to “ruffle some feathers in high places”, do we care? No not really, because we are determined to get to the truth!! Our enquiries have stirred up a hornets nest of discovery in that not only have children been victims of sexual abuse in local authority care places such as Forde Park Approved School & Langton House but they have been used as guinea pigs in testing drugs used to control behaviour on behalf of large pharmaceutical companies as well as suffering physical and mental abuse at the hands of staff, etc.


According to a recent report by NAYPIC (National Association of Young People in Care) mind control / calming drugs such as Tegretol, Largactil, Haraparadol & Pharisadine have been forcibly administered to children in care and in psychiatric units for youngsters instead of getting to the bottom of a problem and helping the child to settle and change their ways. It is alleged that a lot of these drugs are being used as sedatives to assist paedophiles / abusers in their disgusting ways. NAYPIC have also raised issues of various complaints alleging that children have been given brain scans, EEGs and even intrusive brain surgery all against there will whilst in local authority care. Anyone with further information or knowledge of this please e-mail: or call Amanda on 07912 807087 (All contact will be treated with absolute confidentiality).

Coming to our enquiries involving Forde Park Approved School.  .  .

Quite obviously a lot of the children that found themselves in that particular establishment would have had “behavioural problems” else they wouldn’t have found themselves there in the first place but surely they deserved a lot more support, fair treatment and ultimately not to be abused whilst they were there. The “survivors” now surely deserve to have their cases heard and to be compensated for the dreadful abuse that they have suffered, even though some may have gone on to abuse or commit crime themselves (hardly their fault when they grew up believing sexual activity with adults to be the norm). Once again we are very keen to speak to survivors, ex-members of staff, Councillors, social workers, etc that had any connection with Forde Park Approved School in those dark years. Anyone that contacts us does so knowing that ALL information with be treated in the strictest confidence so please call Amanda; 07912 807087 or e-mail

in closing can we just say that we are tired of other bloggers trying to slate our professional work, we are here to: 

a. See justice done in these cases with those that have abused children in their care exposed and punished no matter who they are

b. To see survivors / victims getting compensation, closure and support 

c. To expose organisations such as Devon County Council, Social Services, etc brought to the attention of the courts and the public via the media.


Have any weird or hidden agenda

Expect to make money from survivors

Post stories with names in any sort of press as we are NOT journalists

Intend to harm anyone 

Finally we feel it is important to just say that some people that claim to represent survivors of establishments such as Forde Park have made nasty allegations against New Chapter and we are tired of it and are now preparing to take legal steps, so if anyone hears anything slanderous or defamatory please give us a call.

We will be organising a public meeting in Newton Abbot, Devon in late May so do feel free to come along, watch this blog for dates and times. We have high hopes of several political members of parties will be there.

Thank for reading and don’t forget your input matters:


Call  07912 807087

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